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Septic Tank Risers and Filters

 Duffer's Septic Solutions is a top rated septic company. We service commercial and residential septic systems in Missouri and Oklahoma.


A septic tank riser is a circle plastic lid at ground level that allows for easy access without digging to your septic tank. The riser is a pipe made from concrete, plastic or even fiberglass. At Duffers Septic Solutions, we can locate your septic tank to assist with the riser install. For septic systems after 1996, we can get county records from the state of Missouri or Oklahoma to help locate.

Before 1996, it was not a requirement to report to the health department in Missouri. Other states have their own requirements regarding county and state records. A septic riser is attached to the top of the septic tank. Not every septic tank has one, but we can have one installed or have an existing one replaced if it is damaged. Damages could be caused from cleaning, repairs, and unclogging drains if needed. Causes for damage would be from hitting with a lawn mower, or excessive wear, and tear from mother nature.


Some may call it a “manhole cover”. They come in different colors and sizes. Older ones can look different, depending on how long ago it was installed. They can be added to any septic tank, existing or new. The location of the septic tank riser is right on top of the septic tank.


Which could be in many different locations throughout your yard. They are great for being visible at ground level to avoid any vehicle or machinery traffic over your septic tank, which could eventually break your system. And with easy septic tank accessibility it allows for less costly service when it is time to maintain or repair your septic tank.

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Septic Tank Filter

Some septic tanks have a septic filter where effluent passes through (top crust, bottom is the sludge, and the middle is the effluent (water). Duffers Septic Solutions recommends that your septic filter be cleaned every 6 months to a year. It is designed to stop the sludge and heavy particles in the septic tank to go to the lateral field (where the effluent disperses to the soil) to prevent it from clogging or plugging up.


At Duffers Septic Solutions, we can clean your filter, while we pump or repair your septic system. If you’re missing a filter, one can be added to preserve the longevity of your lateral field. If you have a damaged filter, Duffers Septic Solutions can replace or install a new filter that is compliant with your septic system.

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Septic Tank & Excavation Services

Duffer Septic Solutions is a top-rated septic tank company in Missouri.  We are licensed and insured and offer septic tank solutions in Missouri and Oklahoma.  

Septic Tank Maintenance and Cleaing

Septic Tank Cleaning, Pumping, Maintenance, & Repair 

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Excavation Solutions

Septic Pumping Services

24 Hour Service - 7 Days a Week

Duffer's Septic Solutions is available anytime Monday through Sunday - we offer regular and emergency services to residential and commercial customers.

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